Happy Paws Holistic Pet Food

"Health Food for Life"

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Proud to be GreenHappy Paws is
proud to be Green

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Bubba & the Gang
Bubba & the Gang

My family and I live on a big piece of acreage and have managed to accumulate a large number of pets over the past few years. Most of these animals are rescued from horrible circumstances and 2 of our big dogs were adopted from our local shelter.

As you can imagine, with so many mouths to feed I am always looking for quality pet food that is affordable. I bought Happy Paws at my favorite grocery store, Thrifty Foods about a year ago just to try. I was pleasantly surprised how much they liked it, even the fussy eaters!

Our newest arrival, Bubba, was found in an abandoned shed sick and starving. He just loves Happy Paws, and has made himself right at home with the rest of the gang, always looking for someone to snuggle up with!

Thank you for making such great pet food which is healthy and affordable. We now feed our dogs, cats and our ferrets Happy Paws which makes them happy, and if they're happy, so are we!

Beverly Bell
Lake Cowichan, BC


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