Happy Paws Holistic Pet Food

"Health Food for Life"

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Proud to be GreenHappy Paws is
proud to be Green

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Here are a couple of pictures of our Nova Scotia Duck Toller, Capi. She is learning to dive to retrieve shells at the beach.

She had a bad start as a pup, with "puppy acne" which turned into a severe staph infection, with open sores. She developed a fever, she had to be shaved and washed with betadine, and she got worse and worse. The vet thought it may have been caused by a food allergy. I had been feeding her a hypo-allergenic dog food. We started cooking food for her and her skin cleared up. To supplement her diet, I picked up a bag of Happy Paws to see if she could tolerate it. She loved it. She has it for breakfast, and as treats. Dinner is home cooked chicken, veggies, and rice, topped with Happy Paws.

Capi has been eating Happy Paws since she was three months old, and is strong, healthy and active.

Nancy Marshall
Campbell River, BC


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