Happy Paws Holistic Pet Food

"Health Food for Life"

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Proud to be GreenHappy Paws is
proud to be Green

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We have had Dobermans for the last 30 years and are on our 6th and 7th presently.

I came across Happy Paws and tried some sample bags. Both dogs seemed to like it. I also supplement their food with a salmon oil pill and a glucosamine chondroitin.

Charlie, our male Dobie rescue, has absolutely flourished on Happy Paws and is healthy and happy. I tried a number of different dog foods on him but noticed a distinct difference with the Happy Paws. His coat is healthy and shiny as opposed to the dull, patchy sparse coat when we got him. He was also intolerant of some of the foods we tried him on and would throw up soon after eating, or they gave him the runs.

I now buy two of the 16.3 kg bags which lasts 3 weeks for Charlie and Lola, our female Dobie.

Rosemary Webster
Maple Ridge BC


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