Happy Paws Holistic Pet Food

"Health Food for Life"

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proud to be Green

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Quincy Meezer
Quincy Meezer
Barnaby Magnificat
Barnaby Magnificat

Hi. My name is Quincy Meezer and you can see by my mugshot that I have the biggest whiskers. Last year, this Siamese guy was rescued by my mom from the SPCA and came to live with us. He asked me how come my whiskers were so big and I said that it must be the HappyPaws that mom feeds to us. He wasn't convinced but said he'd give it a go.

Barnaby Magnificat here. Well, Q was right. My whiskers have grown over a half-inch in length since I've been living here. Can't be anything else but HappyPaws. Oh, and no more gagging on hairballs, even though Q has this long silky coat that I seem to spend most of my time grooming for him. You could say we are pretty contented cats!

Mom here. Seriously, both cats have been very healthy, with bright eyes, sleek coats and, yes, longer whiskers since we've switched to HappyPaws. AND, no kitty acne on their chins (which they used to get from that other stuff)! Thank you for providing a healthy food alternative for the boys!

Cheryl B. - Victoria


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