Happy Paws Holistic Pet Food

"Health Food for Life"

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I was given a sample package of your Happy Paws dog food by my vet last week. I am amazed!! We have a 2 year old Jack Russell fur-kid (Moche) who is incredibly spoiled. The only dog food she would touch was Kibbles'n Bits and, of that, only pick out a couple of the flavours. We have to fry beef liver (and even then she will only eat it sometimes) or cut uncooked wieners into tiny bite-size pieces for her. Gross as it sounds, I've also noticed a big difference in her stools when she eats your food ... obviously the majority of the food is being absorbed into her system rather than coming through to be scooped up by yours truly. :)

When we got home from the vet's, I hand-fed her a couple of pieces of your dog food and was surprised she ate them. I put a small bowl down for her and was amazed that she dived right in. I'm going back to the vet's today to pick up a bag of the food for her.

Thanks for creating such an excellent product.

Sandy Fika
Shelley Mihalus


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