Happy Paws Holistic Pet Food

"Health Food for Life"

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Proud to be GreenHappy Paws is
proud to be Green

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I met you at the last WOW Wednesday in Nanaimo.  I've been switching to your product in the last few weeks and I have to tell you how impressed I am.  My Pomeranian, Molly, has taken to it like a fish to water.  I have never seen her choose her food over ours when we sit down to dinner. She happily chomps away as if they're little morsels of treats.  And even in the morning, she would usually snub her nose at her kibbles then go back to bed but with your product she munches away. 

I am amazed and a true believer in all the wonderful ingredients in your product.  Thanks so much and keep on doin' what you're doing.  I'll be spreading what I know about Happy Paws to other dog owners.



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