Happy Paws Holistic Pet Food

"Health Food for Life"

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Mr. D'Arcy
Mr. D'Arcy

I was first given a sample of 'Happy Paws' dog food at the Cloverdale Thrifty's store. The sample stayed in the cupboard as a back-up to the regular dog food.

'Mr. D'Arcy' is a 4 year old male Wheaten Terrier who has enjoyed extremely good health. About 3 months ago the brand we were feeding him 'Royal Canin' was bought out by another company and although we were assured it was the same food 'Mr. D'Arcy' was not all that interested. So out of the cupboard came the 'Happy Paws' and 'Mr. D'Arcy' found it absolutely delicious. Wheatens funnily enough have a sensitivity to wheat so I was looking for a dog food w/o wheat but with ingredients such as lamb and rice and 'Happy Paws' met all those requirements. The fish meal was an added bonus as 'Mr. D'Arcy' absolutely loves fish!

The benefits of 'Happy Paws' has been its consistency - 'Mr. D'Arcy' eats his meals like there is no tomorrow. His general health e.g. energy has improved and I feel so much better knowing he is eating and enjoying a wholesome diet. Nothing worse than to see your healthy pet pick away at his meals. And wonders of wonders he doesn't have 'doggy breath' any longer!

Carol Williams


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