Happy Paws Holistic Pet Food

"Health Food for Life"

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Proud to be GreenHappy Paws is
proud to be Green

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Happy Paws,
We just wanted to thank you for putting such a great product on the market!

When we got our cat Stella, we hoped to be able to feed her a healthier diet than friskies or mow mix. When we found your Happy Paws it was on sale at the local Natural food store so why not try it... Well, Stella LOVES it! So much in fact that when we were unable to get another bag of Happy Paws (It's almost always out of stock) and switched to another holistic brand, she turned her nose up at it!

The vet commented on her coat and how healthy it was, a result of her food I'm sure!
Another reason we as the pet owners like Happy Paws is because it is a BC product, supporting a business right here in our own Province!!!

Good Job, Keep up the awesome product!

Ashlee, Ian and Stella


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