Happy Paws Holistic Pet Food

"Health Food for Life"

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Proud to be GreenHappy Paws is
proud to be Green

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I did an internet search for natural pet foods I found one made right in my own area! I love that it is made locally with local ingredients and I love that my animal is getting food that is fresh! I am now feeding Happy Paws to my 12 year old cat Teaa, who before going on Happy Paws, was over weight and acting her age.

Now she is a healthy size and is acting like a kitten!!! Oh, she has the nicest coat of any kitty I know! She loves it, but eats less then she used to! She poops less and it doesn't smell as bad! I like to feed my three young boys healthy and organic local foods so why not my pets too?

We are getting our first puppy in two weeks and I can't wait to switch her to Happy Paws!!! Thanks so much!

Megan Linford


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