Happy Paws Holistic Pet Food

"Health Food for Life"

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Proud to be GreenHappy Paws is
proud to be Green

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Thistle & Tigger
Thistle & Tigger

We started feeding our three cats Happy Paws about a month ago. We had previously tried (and returned) many other premium and holistic cat foods such as Orijen, Natural Balance, Medi-Cal, Oven-Baked, Halo and more; mostly because our oldest cat, Terracotta, is extremely  picky and especially dislikes dry food. However she took right to the Happy Paws without needing to mash it in with her canned food.

For the first time in months, all three cats finish all of their dry food (wet food was never a problem!)  quickly and hungrily, like they enjoy it rather than just eating  to fill themselves. As an added bonus, Terracotta, who was previously forced to eat prescription vet food (which she hated) because of problems with her rear ("scooting"), has not had any problems since.

 I hope that you continue to make Happy Paws, and especially that you continue to make it using local Canadian ingredients. My fiancée’s cat had to spend his last years in pain, discomfort and expensive vet bills after being poisoned by tainted "filler" from China that was used by a premium cat food manufacturer!

Cam & Nicole
(and Terracotta, Tigger and Thistle)


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