Happy Paws Holistic Pet Food

"Health Food for Life"

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About seven years ago when Will was about three years, a representative of Happy Paws (HP) came to our door asking us to try HP dog food. At that time, I was making his dog food as I had exhausted the commercial lines attempting to find something that Willie would eat. Needless to say, I was skeptical that there was anything out there that would meet two basic criteria 1) that it was nutritious and 2) that it was pleasing to my dog's palette.The rep convinced me to let him try HP with Willie. He was eating the kibble out of his hand immediately. I signed on and Will has been eating HP ever since. If visits to the vet are any indication of health, then this dog is the healthiest little canine with whom we have had the pleasure of sharing our lives. I believe three factors greatly contribute to an animal's health..diet, exercise and lots of love....HP has provided Wills with a nutritious diet for the last seven years.

Thank you Happy Paws!

Cathleen Dyer


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