Happy Paws Holistic Pet Food

"Health Food for Life"

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Muffin & Meeko
Muffin & Meeko

I put so much effort into my own diet, why wouldn't I think about my kitties' diet, too? 

I gradually started switching them from 'regular' cat food in June, and I can honestly say that it is really starting to show a noticeable difference. Their energy is higher, they play more, their fur is shinier, and their bowel movements are better.

The dry food I have been feeding them since June is Happy Paws (Added bonus: The product is manufactured in British Columbia). The kitties both seem to like it. Meeko prefers to flick hers into the water dish, and then flick them out to eat them moist. To each their own.

Thank you for creating such an amazing, healthy product. My kitties thank you, too.

Jacqui Rouse
Nanaimo, BC


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