Happy Paws Holistic Pet Food

"Health Food for Life"

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Proud to be GreenHappy Paws is
proud to be Green

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Trudy & Eva
Trudy & Eva

I am a 14 year-old lab and my person decided to try a different food even though I have been happily gobbling down my Happy Paws for the last 5 years. I tried to tell her that I did not like the new food but she still bought a second bag. Finally she got the hint and bought another bag of Happy Paws. I gobbled it straight down and I think she finally got my message. I LOVE Happy Paws and everybody tells me how amazing I am for my age!

Above is my best photo. That's me on the left. I am posing with my very annoying little sister Eva. I am much more beautiful. I do confess that this photo was taken a while ago, but I look pretty much the same. Thank you for making Happy Paws for me and my sister!

Very truly yours,


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