Happy Paws Holistic Pet Food

"Health Food for Life"

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proud to be Green

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Oscar and his Happy Paws

I have s Poodle Bichon, Oscar. He is 1 1/2 years old. My son brought home a sample of Happy Paws dog food. I gave him half of the sample bag and ate like it was a treat. He would take one piece to the carpet in the living room and eat it, then come back for more. Then he realized he it wasn't going anywhere so he stayed and finished it.

Later the same day I put the other half of the Happy Paws in his bowl on one side and on the other side his regular food (Wellness). Well, he picked out every last piece of Happy Paws and he looked at me for more.

Since that day he will not touch his food unless I put some sauce from our dinner or something on it and he still looks at me in a peculiar way.

He would be a perfect spokes person for the product if he could talk!!!

Zoe Gasparis


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