Happy Paws Holistic Pet Food

"Health Food for Life"

Happy Paws Taste Test Challenge
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Proud to be GreenHappy Paws is
proud to be Green

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Lucy was a rescued dog and was quite under nourished when I got her at six months old. She was always a picky eater and I had a challenging time finding food for her that she would eat. When I came upon Happy Paws I was very intrigued because of the nutritious ingredients and also because it is a local company. However, it was up to Lucy as to whether or not it would pass the test. I put Happy Paws in one dish and her regular food in another dish and watched as Lucy enthusiastically ate the Happy Paws, left the other food in the dish and looked to me for more Happy Paws. She now looks forward to meal time, is healthy, happy and full of energy.

Thank you Happy Paws!

Maureen Garrity


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